Promise Ministries
Equipping Believers in Discipleship

Promise Ministries
Equipping Believers in Discipleship
Promise Ministries started in 2019 by Dr. Rick and Elizabeth Johnson. We believe in team leadership and the calling of discipleship in a small group setting. “We get to be a partner in the miracle God has planned for this ministry.” Bringing love, hope and restoration through the Good News of Jesus Christ. Promise ministries is a multi cultural ministry with an understanding that all people need Jesus. Dr. Rick Johnson holds three doctorate degrees: EDUD’s in Education, PhD in Theological Studies, and PhD in Christian Psychology. He is a licensed minister with (FCMI) Fellowship Christian Ministers International and was ordained in March 1990. Elizabeth is an ordained evangelist through Fisherman’s Outreach Ministries and holds a master’s degree in Christian Education. Together, they have more than 32 years experience in ministry and Christian education.
equipping believers in discipleship
With 8,000 promises in God’s Word, we teach that we can believe, stand on, and accept the promises of God. He does not fail us.He watches over His Word to preform it in our lives. It is our job to get His Word in our mouth and heart by faith and see God work in our lives. All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes. We are helping believers find purpose, setting goals, and growing in their faith.

"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10
Reaching the lost of this world for Kingdom knowledge and purposes. Helping build families, believers, and binding up the broken hearted with the love of God.
Teaching believers of all ages that your life has a purpose, worth and destiny in God. You are not a mistake. God has a plan for you to be salt and light in the domain He has planted you. Promise Ministries demonstrates a lifestyle of ministry.
Promise Ministries Focus Areas
Church Ministry
- Preaching
- Worship
- Digital Ministry
- Prayer and Encouragement
- Community Events
- Missions Sponsorship
Christian Education
- State accredited 4th trough 12th grade school on campus
- Food bank and helping hands temporary support
- F1 Visa support for qualifying and enrolled international students
- On campus housing
Promise Preparatory Academy Chapel
214 Northside Dawson Dr
Dawsonville, GA 30534
Times of Service
The 1st and 3rd Friday nights
7-9 pm